Pajama Party on Day 4

Pajama Day was the selection of grades 5-8 and it was a ton of fun! The only downside was that it seemed to make us all a little sleepier…

Percentage participation for the day:

Kindergarten – 100%

1st and 2nd – 93.8%

3rd and 4th – 87.5%

5th through 8th – 89.5%

High School – 80%

Which brings our cumulative averages to:

Kindergarten – 100%

1st and 2nd – 85%

3rd and 4th – 81.8%

5th through 8th – 81.9%

High School – 79.5%

Kindergarten doesn’t seem to be letting up at all! It would take a big swing on day 5 for us to see a different cohort take the gold.

Enjoy these pajama day photos.